High Quality Audio recording productions for High Quality Audio recording productions for
Scientific Dragons 學術龍
Ace hero films and entertainment Ace hero films and entertainment 英雄電影娛樂
producing a challenge to High Quality recording for Scientific dragons dragonson 12 th of Oct 2007 on 12 th of Oct 2007.
With audio recording productions reaching 24 bit /192
挑戰高清製作 "學術龍" (Dragon) ,以一個後現代音樂創作概念為主題,加上來自不同國家的獨特樂手,一起深入創造出即興奇妙情感,音樂方向是利用中國傳統小調旋律,在古典樂章裡in the key of D Diminished進行演出,混合各國西方音樂元素帶出各路樂手獨特風格。- 12日10月 2007年
•錄音製作將會以 24 bit /192 格式錄製.
currently the highest quality standard for stereo and the HD video format . The 5.1 and 7.1 sound encoding will be perform by DOLBY TRUE HD in San Francisco at 24bit /96 7.1 at sound and Using DTS Master Audio in Hong Kong challenging the highest bit rate of 24 bit/192 - 5.1surround sound . Currently There are only 4 BluRAY PRODUCT with highest bit rate of 24 bit 96 /7.1 movie content available in the market by Warner Brothers USA
Music content is still not available at this format Music content is still not available at this format …
一賞發燒級高清音樂品味••英雄電影娛樂『Ace Hero Films and EntertainmentAce Entertainment..』繼杜麗莎與林子祥演唱會後,再創領先以最先進的高清科技拍攝及環迴 7.1 立體聲收音,錄取現場最真實的聲音,灌錄 HD DVD天碟。
施偉然這張學術龍音樂會 HD DVD 天碟將會以 Dolby True HD 格式收錄, 將可提供真正 7 . 1 音, 而這張 HD DVD 也會是全球首張以 True HD 格式收錄的 HD DVD 天碟.