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Beauty Killer 危情艷殺

Story outlined Languages based in -Thai-English and Cantonese.

Scott和Chris開了一間虧本的模特兒公司, Scott因最近的股票 要保倉, 所以向黑幫借了一筆數目,Scott沒有能力 清還, 黑幫就派手下捉了 Scott 將他禁固, 後來Chris只好將剛剛接回來的性感MTV片酬救回Scott. Scott和Chris開始酬備拍攝工作, Chris還說服了他的女友 Anna叫模特兒Sara幫手. Dave是Scott模特兒公司固定的制作夥伴, 但Scott經常欺負Dave. 在泰國拍攝期間一個接一個的模特兒開始無故失蹤. 事情發展下去只淨Scott Chris ,Sara ,Nikki及Dave,他們開 始各人╴疑對方, 跟著Scott無意之中在Dave的記事溥內發現主要殺人證據 Scott去質問 Dave. Dave就將Scott滅口,剛巧給Sara看見, Dave立即捉了Sara, 正當Dave落手姦殺Sara的時後, 被Nikki Chris和蒙弟及時趕到救了Sara,跟著捉了Dave送他去精神病院, 之後他們在Dave的工作室找到了一本日記揭發了Dave殺人的 動機, 原來Dave的父親是一個很妒忌心重的著名變性模特兒, Dave自小在一個長期受到壓迫不正常環境長大, 所以導至到他 有變態心理.

Scott and Chris model agency -were running out of business, when Scott's stock investment went into a crisis, the loan he got from the triad brings him death threats from local triad Head brother Tim and Forced Chris to come up with the money from a recent luckily appointed mtv project. Needed an appropriate location for this project, Scott decided to go to Thailand with the support from Chris's girlfriend Anna and Sarah, by inviting all their beautiful model friends to join in the support voluntarily. During the productions, one by one the models mysteriously disappear, leaving only, Sara, Scott, Chris, Nikki and Dave plus the resort owner tae-mun behind. Suspiciousness arises from everyone left on the resort island as bodies of dead models were found by the owner tae-mun who was mistakenly beaten as the suspect by Nikki and Chris After Anna disappear. Scott found a picture of the model that was previously murder in bangkok from Dave's notebook while He was cleaning out the film scene. When Scott went to question Dave about the victim model He got brutally stabbed by Dave, where he turned insane and captured Sara while she was looking for Scott. Chris and Nikki, Finally arrive just in time to rescue Sara at the last moment before Dave could finish her off after he raped and torture Her at his bungalow. where Nikki and Chris finally Subdued Dave , discover Dave's longtime mental illness-hatred and Jealousy towards Arrogant beautiful models-Bitch, influenced by His Lady-Man Father Schiziphan, A Thailand Lady Man Beauty Queen. To collect different parts of beautiful model bodies is Dave's project behind these killings.

Beauty Killer Original script By Silvester See 2002-dec12- Production shoot schedule at 17 April 2003 in Bangkok and Phuket, Hua Hin

Soundtracks and songs recorded and mixed with 5.1 surround sound system in Thailand
Post productions schedule begins at 10th May 2003 At Surround co. ltd. Bangkok

Ace Hero Films Presents
Executive Producer : Becky Yuen
Producers : George Chan & Dickson Lo
Assistant Producer : Jeff See
Directed By : Silvester See
Story & musics Compositions By : Silvester See
Casting By : Eric Ferreira
Costume & Wardrobe By Elfie Samantha Carpio
Arts Director : Ego Leung
Camera-man : David Chow & Keith Chan
Martial Arts Actions By : Anthony Carpio
Maketing Executive & Business Relations : Cindy Szeto