A Tribute to Bruce Lee JKD "Be Water my Friend"
A Global Martial Arts gathering celebrations evening
This tribute to Legendary Bruce Lee JKD is celebrating Legendary Master Bruce Lee lifetime achievement on his contributions in Martial Arts of combatting form in Kung Fu, which he evolved and created his theory in Martial Arts as Jeet Kune Do. The way of the Intercepting Fist.
Bruce Lee legendary JKD began from his childhood life time real fight experiences from very young age in Hong Kong, all the way with adapting every Martial Arts Kung Fu combining his study of world philosophy through his global professional days in the world. With his contribution creation of JKD to the world influenced modern artists' Kung Fu - (MMA -Wing Chun) etc... The actual theory in JKD helps to reach the highest levels through all martial artists' mind "Be water my Friend", "Adapt what is useful', "Reject what is not", "Add what is specifically yours" And ultimately also influenced one to share and demonstrate their mind as One Freely as Bruce Lee stated boldly "There should not be any genre of any style as these gospel truth will only represents separations in mankind".
A Tribute to Bruce Lee JKD is a fabulous celebration event for Global Martial artists to come to gather and remembers The Legendary Bruce Lee's lifetime achievement in Martial Arts JKD. It was Bruce Lee's goal in life to be The Greatest Martial Artist of all time with a global unified meaning in life. However he was misunderstood deeply by many in the world as a great actor, fighter, patriot or film maker.
Bruce Lee JKD Martial Arts in combative form of Kung Fu originated in Hong Kong since his childhood, where he experienced his martial arts evolvement knowledge by performing daily with real fight challenges with all gangs in Hong Kong at a young age, till his super famous days which by then already received tons of street fight challenges from all over the world. JKD has yet received its worthy contributions to the world of Martial Arts even after Bruce Lee's passing 45 years plus. This special tribute is not a normal tribute to Bruce Lee himself but to remind and complete his lifetime achievement recognition in Martial Arts to the world. Bruce Lee greatest contribution in life - His Martial Arts creation JKD 'The way of the intercepting fist' originated from Hong Kong.
By Silvester See 施偉然
Executive Producer of Ace Hero Films and Entertainment Ltd
A Tribute to Bruce Lee JKD "Be Water my Friend"
I am a diehard Bruce Lee fans since 9 years old born in Hong Kong, a great honor for me to finally be able to pay our respect to Master Bruce Lee properly after 45 years of his master passing. Wishing Bruce Lee JKD achievement will stimulates much more in this world with one of the best Human attitude in life.
It is a great pleasure for Ace Hero Films and Entertainment Ltd to be invited by the City of Freiburg Tourism Board to bring this fantastic "A Tribute to Bruce Lee JKD" Martial Arts entertainment event to Germany on 3rd-7th April 2018. To their International Film Music Festival created and organized by Mr. Michael Kirby and Mr. Simon Holliday from Freiburg Germany.
A special Thank you to Mr. Michael Kirby and Mr. Simon Holliday, also to the city of Freiburg for inviting us to join their fantastic International Film Music Festival in Freiburg Germany in 2018.
Silvester See施偉然是這次"致敬李小龍截拳道武術世界武林大會"項目創辦人,由澳門威尼斯人鼎力支持。施偉然岀生於香港在9歲至今李小龍便是他的唯一崇拜偶像,他很榮幸經過45年終於有機會真正舉辦一項有份量的為李小龍大師武術成就致敬項目。
英雄電影娛樂有限公司被德國弗萊堡市旅遊局邀請,於2018年4月3-7日參與夢幻電影音樂節在德國弗萊堡,把"致敬李小龍截拳道項目延伸到德国进行演出,特別感謝Michael Kirby先生和Simon Holliday先生以及德国弗萊堡市邀請我們加入。
主辦單位Organizer :香港英雄電影娛樂有限公司 Ace Hero Films and Entertainment Ltd
合作夥伴 Cooperating partner :澳門威尼斯人® The Venetian® Macao
全力支持單位Supporting partner:吳永森師傅-禪道·截拳道體育會Master Mr. Sam Ng-Zendo JKD Association
全力支持單位Supporting partner: 張瑞圓女士- 世界龍迷會永遠名譽會長Ms. Zhang Rui Yuan - World Dragon Fans Club Forever Honorary President
演出地點 Location: 澳門威尼斯人®金光綜藝館 Cotai Arena, The Venetian® Macao
演出日期Date and Time : 2017年7月8日, 晚上8時 / 8th July 2017, 8pm
節目內容Content :混合格鬥泰拳與蒙古摔跤武術、文化、音樂、娛樂的大型綜合項目An extraordinary LIVE event combined with LIVE Martial Arts combat, Culture and LIVE music performance.
創作總監Director:施偉然先生香港英雄電影娛樂有限公司Mr. Silvester See of Ace Hero Films and Entertainment Ltd
策劃及業務發展安排Event and business development:梁凱華先生 Mr. Ivan Leung
美術設計總監Art director :聶三先生 Mr. Nip Sixx
記招介紹典禮地點FIRST Press conference :澳門威尼斯人®金光綜藝館 (Cotai Arena, The Venetian® Macao) 4樓Sky Lounge
記招介紹典禮日期Date and time :2017年3月28 / 28th Mar,2017
記招介紹典禮地點SECOND Press conference : 中國順德佛山李小龍樂園/ China Shunda Li Xiaolong Fairyland
記招介紹典禮日期Date and time :2017年5月15 / 15th May,2017
A Global Martial Arts Exhibition
Besides our "A tribute to Bruce Lee JKD" event on 8th July night, we are hosting a 2 days exhibition named "A Global Martial Arts Exhibition" at Cotai Arena, The Venetian® Macao on 7th & 8th July 2017.
Exhibiting the latest world Martial Arts merchandise, sporting & gym gears. World class famous Martial Arts masters will be giving out seminar with over 200 seats for attendance, explaining Bruce Lee's JKD theory and demonstration.
The venue will be transformed and decorated into Bruce Lee's famous movie scene, in order to provide the most Martial Arts World atmosphere to attendance.
It is an extraordinary event that you cannot missed!
除了7月8 日晚上的「致敬李小龍截拳道武術世界武林大會」大型表演, 主辦加插為期兩日的全球武術展銷會在2017年7月7日及8日於澳門威尼斯人®金光綜藝館舉行。
展銷世界時下武術文化產品、運動産品、健康産品等等。由全球頂尖武術大師示範他們各門派的武術,包括混合格鬥、 截拳道、蒙古摔跤、詠春、Boxing。場內設有超過200坐位舉行研討會由武術名師講解李小龍「截拳道」武術意念,每位武術家都有自己對武術的見解和大家分享。
展銷會日期:7th & 8th July 2017
展銷會時間:2pm-11pm (7th July)
10am-5pm (8th July)
展銷地點:澳門威尼斯人®金光綜藝館 (Cotai Arena, The Venetian® Macao)
注意:只限持有7 月8 日當晚節目門票及讚助商方可進入展銷會
Only available for audience with show ticket on 8th July and sponsor.
聯絡人:梁凱華 Ivan Leung(業務發展總經理)
電話:(852)9072 2700 /(86)14714933325
電話:(852)9429 3086
聯絡人:施先生 Jeff See(製作經理)
電話:(852)6599 4488
聯絡人:聶三 Nip Sixx(美術設計總監)
電話:(852)6050 0831